Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What I'm Thankful For

Thanksgiving is a day
when I sit back and reflect
on words I should have spoken
and how often I neglect
to tell you what you mean to me,
and although overdue,
of all the things I'm thankful for,
I'm thankful most for you.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

For Trixie Noel

A face in the photograph stares back at me.
One, long, droopy ear draped over an arm.
One blue eye, already filled with trust.
In a matter of seconds,
she enters my private zone of indifference
and melts the self-made barriers.
This small, helpless creature,
is readying herself for her journey.
The smell of new puppy is strong.
So is the bond we’re beginning to build.
Two more, long weeks separate
her from joining our family.
Rewards await us all,
the days to be filled with discovery,
in the refreshing life she brings
with her droopy ear and one, blue eye.

Monday, November 15, 2010

At Season's End

Firmly attached
in the heat of summer,
a solitary leaf
releases it hold
on the branch that
sustained it.
It glides down,
its journey at an end,
as it joins other
weary travelers.
This gift
of nature’s creation
makes room
for its successor,
to follow
when the cycle of life
is renewed.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Bad love breaks apart
the way a cookie crumbles.
All scraps, no substance.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

For Friday, November 12th

If you don’t see my words today,
It isn’t that I’ve run away,
or given up and chose to quit.
A jury room is where I sit.
So when it comes, unwind, unbend
and live it up on your weekend.

This Day

On this day,
we remember those who serve.
Upon them weigh
our freedoms to preserve.
Who, come what may,
approach their job with verve.
And in their way,
give more than we deserve
We stop to pray.
Their courage we observe.
And so, this day
we thank without reserve.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The State of Normal

I’ve no great desire to be normal.
The thesaurus likens the word to
common, ordinary, and average.
Although it’s also considered to be
sound, reasonable and sane,
the concept of normal
doesn’t really appeal to me.
I’m much more drawn to the antonyms:
eccentric, unconventional and odd.
If I have to be something,
let me choose from that list
and resist normality’s banality.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Time Trepidation

What weighs on me more:
the sun setting on another day
or the fear of no more dawns?
The clock rapidly accelerates.
Hours blend into one another,
then disappear completely.
A new day promises nothing more
than the certainty of its passing.
A lifetime is swallowed up in a vortex.
I fear the speed of the cycle,
and trapped by the redundancy of time.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Overcoming Me

An act of pure simplicity
withdrew me from my lethargy.
Completed by love’s energy,
I cease to be my enemy.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Not Today

If I think myself a poet,
words should flow from my pen.
But today, my mind is weary
and my pen is not my friend.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Pain of Night

In night’s lonely chasm, I felt the loss more.
The pain of the darkness reopened the sore.
There was nothing to see in the black, velvet gloom,
yet, still I kept seeking love’s heart in its tomb.

A Potent Love

In you are loving words defined
by gentle eyes, both warm and kind.
Envelop me in your caress,
with love too potent to suppress.

Friday, November 5, 2010


The clock says midnight.
Although my brain is restless,
my body craves sleep.


We are in the process of revising this site to become the new home of The Poetry Hut, an online poetry magazine. You may see some unusual things here as we muddle through this process. There's much more to come! Please bear with us. And stop by often to watch our progress. Thanks for visiting!!